Picking-up Litter – Considerations

I once had a very analytical friend who was in the habit of picking up litter while riding their road-bike around the neighborhood. At first they drew to themselves very little attention; however, as time progressed it must have become more obvious. One day, while waiting by the Dominoes for a pizza; they’d noticed that…

Light of Reason – The Original Simplicity

Light of Reason – The Original Simplicity James Allen – All These Things Added – Chapter 3 * Note: The original text has been slightly updated to modern English   LIFE is simple. Being is simple. The universe is simple.  Complexity arises in ignorance and self-delusion. The “Original Simplicity” of Lao-tze is a term expressive…


Light of Reason – Fearlessness

Light of Reason – Fearlessness Extract – Vol 5 – Feb 1st 1904 – No. 2 * Note: The original text has been slightly updated to modern English A necessary tool for the seeker of Truth is that of Fearlessness, and the development of this quality is in exact ratio with the growth of spiritual…

Stoic Quotes of Greatness

Stoic Quotes of Greatness Marcus Aurelius “Perfection of character: to live your last day, every day, without frenzy, or sloth, or pretence” “Hour by hour resolve firmly to do what comes to hand with dignity, and with humanity, independence, and justice. Allow your mind freedom from all other considerations. This you can do, if you…



Love Poem by Sonnie Abdalla You meet someone interesting and intriguing; you make each other smile and laugh. For days/weeks/months you spend time together; sharing thoughts, feelings, opinions, emotions and finally your bodies. You begin enjoying their bad breath in the morning and their other physical ‘imperfections’ become the qualities which are most attractive about…

Sonnie Abdalla - Sonnie.org


Meditations James Allen on Religion (1901) Cease to look upon your own religion as superior to all others, and strive humbly to learn the supreme lesson of charity. No longer cling to the idea, so productive of strife and sorrow, that the Savior whom you worship is the only Savior, and that the Savior whom…

Selected Readings by Sonnie

Spirituality – Selected Readings

Spirituality – Selected Readings These selected readings were put together for the purpose of allowing the individual to explore divine truths therein contained through timeless pieces of classic literature. Although they could be described as ‘spiritual’ by nature; they are not to be taken as gospel but are rather intended to be thought provoking -…